Saturday, December 5, 2015

Recommended Sermon Series on Missions: Paul Lawler (Christ Church UMC), "Conversations: Living Intentionally in the Kingdom of God"

Another sermon series I want to recommend is "Conversations: Living Intentionally in the Kingdom of God" from Christ Church UMC.

Here is a snapshot of their church's vision:

Audio links to each message in the series are below. You can also download the audio or notes from the church website (the first message is from October 11, 2015).
  1. The 360 Degree Kingdom;
  2. The Kingdom & Intentional Living;
  3. The Kingdom and The Mustard Seed;
  4. The Kingdom and The Condition of Your Heart;
  5. An Intentional Life;
  6. The Kingdom of God and the Nations;
  7. The Kingdom of God and Suffering.

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